ClassMee prohibits the use of language that is racist, hateful, sexual or obscene in nature in a public area.

This policy extends to text within listings, on Teacher, Accountant, Parent, School pages and all other areas of the site that another User may view. If the profane words are part of a title for the item being sold, we allow School to 'blur' out the bulk of the offending word with asterisks (i.e., s*** or f***). Please report any violations of this policy to the correct area for review:

Report offensive Display Names

Report offensive language in a listing or otherwise

If a feedback comment; or any communication made between Users on the Platform; or email communication between Users in relation to transactions conducted on Platform contain profanity, please review Our feedback removal policy and submit a request for action/removal.

Disciplinary action may result in the indefinite suspension of a User's account, temporary suspension, or a formal warning.

ClassMEE will consider the circumstances of an alleged policy violation and the user's trading records before taking action.

Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:

Limits placed on account privileges;

Loss of special status; Account suspension. ClassMEE shall have the right to delete a product review posted by the customer at its sole discretion, if it is of the opinion that the review contains offensive language as stated above. Further, if ClassMEE is of the opinion that the review unfairly either: (i) causes disadvantage to a product; or (ii) increases the popularity of the product, ClassMEE shall have the right to delete the customer review. ClassMEE shall also, at its sole discretion have the right to blacklist the customer from posting any further customer reviews.
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